Ian M Fraser
New York, NY 10033
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- TypeScript
- ReactJS
- Redux
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Bootstrap
- Material UI
- Git
- Jest
The City College of New York, B.S., Computer Science, 2015 - 2019
Work Experience
Capgemini, React Developer July 2021 - present
- Worked in small agile team to develop and maintain features for a lifestyle loyalty program
- Implemented search filtering (date, keyword) component for user transaction and redemption history
- Refactor legacy application to modern version with React JS
- Support offshore team with auto policy experience modernization built with React / Redux
- Regularly build new UI components and integrate API service
- Writing and maintaining extensive unit and integration testing with Jest / React Testing Library
Freelance, Front End Developer March 2020 - July 2021
- Developed personal websites and landing pages for small business and artist portfolios
- Integrated ReactJS UI for small business consignment management with Shopify integration
- Squarespace styling customization based on client specifications
IP Address Tracker, Front End Developer Spring 2020
- An interactive web app to display IP address information and location
- Built custom components for frontend interface with ReactJS, consuming data from the IPGeolocations API, and mapping locations using React-Leaflet
- https://frontend-mentor-react-ip-tracker.vercel.app/
URL Shortening API, Front End Developer Winter 2019
- A frontendmentor.io landing page for a URL shortening site, built with ReactJS
- Built custom URL Shortening API in Express to improve user experience by over 85%
- https://www.ifurl.page
Other Experience
Momofuku Kāwi, The Cannibal, Standard Tap
2010 - 2020
New York, NY + Philadelphia, PA,
Bar Manager, Bartender, and Server
- Launched Momofuku Kāwi, winner of Eater’s 2019 New Restaurant of the Year award
- Managed budget for bar service, trained staff, and monitored inventory
- Adeptly multitasked in detail-oriented and fast-paced environments